will discuss with you some important insights like, what is being an
entrepreneur, how you can become an entrepreneur, what challenges you will be
put forward, what is the growth, scope, and output.
Let’s start with what is being an entrepreneur and what is an entrepreneur!! An entrepreneur is an innovator, initiator, risk-taker, and who enjoys all the profit and rewards of the business. So, being an
entrepreneur means when you have an idea for a business and you turn it into an actual business or start an enterprise with a new idea. For example, if you have started a “chai ki tapri” then that is not being an entrepreneur but if you have set up the business of tea by selling numerous flavors or different varieties of tea with some unique ideas then you will be called an entrepreneur.
Now the question arises, what is the difference between an entrepreneur and a businessman! Well, in my opinion, an entrepreneur is a person who is the originator of the idea of some new business or some new concept of business, on the other hand, a businessman is a person who uses the existing ideas of business, he is the person who knows how to generate profit and grow the business. So, you can say that entrepreneurs and businessmen are the two sides of the same coin.’
Worried about the challenges you will be put forth if you want to become an entrepreneur!!!!!!
As an entrepreneur you will be dealing with multiple roles, just having a unique idea of business is not enough you have to turn it into a reality and that’s what a big task, you will be juggling with roles like finance, administrative, marketing, manager, risk-taker and many more just to kick start your business. As an entrepreneur, your business will be like a child for you or a plant that brings you fruits once it crosses its initiation stage. An entrepreneur also has to work in his free time and has to be self-motivated and self-disciplined. So, you might feel like being an entrepreneur is like you’ve got your work cut out for you but it will be incredibly rewarding to see the very seeds that you implanted blossom into something great and successful.
The advantages! The output will be as fascinating as your hard work put into...
As an entrepreneur you will enjoy multiple benefits like you will be your own boss, having full control over the business, the confidence and pride you will have when your ideas turn into a real business, you will be free to work from anywhere and you will have your own teamwork culture.
As an entrepreneur, you may have to live your life for a few years like people won’t but you will be spending the rest of your life like most people can’t.
At the last I am ending with the Quote- “The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer”