‘1262+ VACANCIES’ in
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Examination 2022
Online Applications are invited by
Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission, Lucknow's
Advertisement No-08-Exam/2022, Junior Assistant Main Examination (कनिष्ठ सहायक मुख्य परीक्षा)- (P.A.-2021)/08 from citizens of India for selection on total 1262
posts of Junior Assistant (कनिष्ठ सहायक) under departments; medical and health Services (चिकित्सा एवं स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं), UP Government and Industry and Enterprise Incentive Directorate (उद्योग एवं उद्यम प्रोत्साहन निदेशालय), UP Government. The candidates with
valid score card of UPSSSC PET 2021 exam can apply for the vacancies.
Important Dates:
The tentative schedule of events is as follows:
Activity |
Dates |
UPSSSC Junior Assistant Notification
2022 |
21st October 2022 |
Online Registration Starts |
21st November 2022 |
Last Date to Apply Online |
14th December 2022 |
Application Form Correction Last Date |
21st December 2022 |
Written Exam Date |
To be notified Later |
There are 1262 vacancies. The total and category
wise number of vacancies mentioned in the above table may increase / decrease.
Category |
SC |
ST |
Vacancies |
Vacancies |
515 |
125 |
338 |
257 |
27 |
1262 |
1. Scheme of
be held various through phases- a written examination, typing
test and document verification.
S. No. |
Phase |
Nature |
Maximum Marks |
1. |
Written Examination |
Offline |
65 marks |
2. |
Typing test |
Online |
Qualifying Nature |
3. |
Document Verification |
Educational Qualification |
30 Marks |
35 Marks |
For Players |
05 Marks |
Total |
(65+30+5) =100 marks |
Pen and Paper Mode Examination-Objective paper- Medium Hindi/English
· The Computer based examination will consist of one objective type paper
containing 130 questions carrying 0.5 marks each.
· All questions will be of Objective Multiple-Choice Type. The offline
examination will be conducted in English and Hindi only.
· The composition of the examination will be as follows:
S. No. |
Subject |
Number of Questions |
Maximum Marks |
Duration/Time Allowed |
Part-A |
Knowledge and Writing Ability |
60 |
30 |
Test-paper of the duration 1 Hours and 30 minutes |
Part-B |
Intelligence Testing |
30 |
15 |
Part-C |
Awareness |
40 |
20 |
Total |
130 |
65 |
Note: -
· There is a provision to give negative marks for the above examination,
which will be 25% (1/4th) of the correct question's marks.
Phase II- Typing Test
· Typing Test will be held on Computer/Laptop, which will be of qualifying
· Only Such candidates will be considered for selection, who have attained
the minimum speed prescribed for typing, as the case may be.
Phase III- Document Verification
(A) Marks
shall be awarded to each candidate according to the educational qualification
in the following manner: -
S. No. |
Educational Qualification |
Percentage of obtained marks |
Marks to be Given |
1. |
Intermediate |
60% and above |
20 marks |
45% and above but less than 60% |
15 marks |
33% and above but less than 45% |
10 marks |
2. |
Graduation Level |
60% and above |
10 marks |
45% and above but less than 60% |
08 marks |
33% and above but less than 45% |
05 marks |
(B) Marks
shall be awarded to a player, subject to a maximum of five points, in the
following manner: -
S. No. |
Player |
Marks to be Given |
1. |
If the candidate is an international level player |
05 marks |
2. |
If the candidate is a national level player |
04 marks |
3. |
If the candidate is a state level player |
03 marks |
4. |
if the candidate is a player of University / College / School level |
02 marks |
Indicative Syllabus:
· The syllabus for the Phase-I written Examination will be as follows:
General Intelligence and Testing |
General Awareness |
Hindi Knowledge and Writing Ability |
Analogies |
Current Affairs |
हिंदी वर्णमाला विराम चिन्ह |
Similarities and differences |
Awards and Honours |
शब्द रचना वाक्य रचना अर्थ |
Spatial Visualization |
Current events |
वाक्यसंशोधन- लिंग, वचन, कारक, काल, वर्तनी, त्रुटि से संबंधित |
Spatial orientation |
Everyday science |
विलोम शब्द |
Problem solving & analysis |
Facts of experience-Historical and Geographical facts |
पर्यायवाची शब्द |
Judgement |
Economy |
वर्तनी |
Decision making |
Indian Polity |
हिंदी भाषा के प्रयोग में होने वाली अशुद्धियाँ |
Visual memory |
Banking |
मुहावरे एवं लोकोक्तियाँ |
Discrimination |
Sports |
संधि- समास |
Observation |
International Events |
रस |
Relationship concepts |
Knowledge of the scientific aspects |
तत्सम एवं तद्भव देशज विदेशी (शब्द भंडार) |
Arithmetic Reasoning |
अनेकार्थी शब्द |
Verbal and figure classification |
क्रियाएँ |
Arithmetical number series |
अर्थबोध |
Non-verbal series |
वाक्याशों के लिये एक शब्द निर्माण |
Coding and Decoding |
शब्द-रूप |
Statement conclusion |
अलंकार |
Syllogistic reasoning |
Statement conclusion |
Syllogistic reasoning |
Essential Educational Qualifications:
For direct recruitment to the post of
Junior Assistant in the service, the candidate should have the following
qualifications. –
1. Must have passed the Intermediate Examination of the Board of Secondary
Education, Uttar Pradesh or any examination recognized by the Government as
equivalent thereto.
2. Minimum speed of 25 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. is required in Hindi and
English typing respectively.
3. CCC certificate in computer operation granted by DOEACC Society or any
certificate equivalent thereto granted by any institution recognized by the
Age limit (As on 01-07-2022):
The age limit for UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment is 18-40 years as
on 01st July 2022.
Steps to Apply:
1. Applicant
Authentication / Login Through PET Registration Number - Provide two options to
the candidate for authentication of the registration number of the Preliminary
Eligibility Test - PET - 2021
· Through Personal Details - Candidates can login to the application by
filling the details related to registration number, date of birth, gender,
resident of Uttar Pradesh (Domicile) and category of Preliminary Eligibility
Test - 2021.
· Through O. T. P. - Candidates can login through O. T. P. sent on the
registration number and registered mobile number / email of Preliminary
Eligibility Test - 2021.
2. Application: After
login, in this part, the candidate will have to enter his/her personal
information such as name, father/husband's name, mother's name, resident of
Uttar Pradesh, category, EWS, horizontal reservation, etc. Related details,
date of birth, gender, marital status, contact mobile number, email etc.
details will be displayed automatically.
3. In
this part, the candidate will have to fill the details related to the essential
qualification (educational) published in the advertisement. After selecting the
Yes / No option in respect of holding the educational qualification by the
candidate, the name of the board / institution / university, year of passing,
certificate / roll number, date of issue of qualification certificate and
details related to marks etc. have to be filled.
4. Essential
Qualification: Candidates should carefully read the Essential
Qualification (Educational) published in the advertisement and apply only if
they possess the qualification. After filling the above information, the
candidate has to click on the “Submit button” after entering the verification
code shown in the “Enter Verification Code” at the bottom of the registration
page. There will be other details including the registration number of the
5. Photo
and Signature: In this part, the photo and signature uploaded by the
candidate in the Preliminary Qualifying Examination- 2021 will automatically be
displayed. No amendment or alteration can be made in this by the candidate.
After viewing the candidate, photograph and signature, after clicking on the
“Continue” button, he will go to the next page.
6. Other
Details: In this part, the candidate has to select Yes/No option in
respect of Preferential Qualification (if any). In this part, the permanent and
correspondence address entered by the candidate in the preliminary qualifying
examination will also be displayed automatically. After this the candidate will
have to agree to a declaration.
7. Declaration: The
declaration format to be made by the candidate will be displayed at the bottom
of the web page. The candidate is expected to carefully study the contents of
the declaration form and if he agrees with the declaration form, then after
ticking all the points, save & Proceed by entering the verification code
given below. The details entered by the candidate in the Preliminary Qualifying
Examination and all the entries/details marked with respect to essential and
preferential qualification at the time of this application can be seen on the
preview page. In case of consent, further process will have to be completed by
the candidate by clicking on Proceed to Payment of Fee & Final Submission.
Application Fee:
· Only online processing fee will be charged from the candidates for
online application at the application level, whose category wise details (श्रेणीवार विवरण) are mentioned in the table given
S. No. |
Category |
Fee |
Processing Fee |
Total Fee |
1. |
/General |
00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
2. |
00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
3. |
SC |
00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
4. |
ST |
00 |
25.00 |
25.00 |
Note: -
· Candidates will not be able to deposit the fee after the last date of
fee submission nor will they be able to submit their application finally.
· In case of being shortlisted for the main examination (मुख्य परीक्षा), the examination fee for the main examination
will be payable separately by the shortlisted candidates, which will have to be
paid before downloading the admit card for the main examination.
· The examination fee for the main examination will have to be paid
separately by the candidates shortlisted for the main examination only. The
candidates shortlisted for the main examination will pay the examination fee
for the main examination (as determined by the commission/government) before
downloading the admit card of the main examination.
· Dependents of freedom fighters, ex-servicemen, women, differently-abled
and outstanding sportsperson candidates will pay the fee according to their
basic category mentioned from number 1 to 4.
Ques. How many vacancies are released
through UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment?
Ans. UPSSSC has announced 1262 vacancies to be filled through UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment 2022.
Ques. Is UPSSSC PET 2021 eligibility
certificate required to apply for UP Junior Assistant Recruitment?
Ans. Yes, UPSSSC PET 2021 eligibility certificate is required to apply for UP Junior Assistant Recruitment 2022.
Ques. What is the mode of registration?
Ans. The registration can be done only through online mode. The online registration will start from 21st November 2022 for UPSSSC Junior Assistant Recruitment 2022.
Ques. What is the educational
qualification for an UPSSSC Junior Assistant recruitment?
Ans. A candidate appearing
for the UPSSSC Junior Assistant exam must have passed the Intermediate
Examination of the Board of Secondary Education, Uttar Pradesh or any
examination recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
Ques. Is the UPSSSC Junior Assistant
exam bilingual?
Ans. Yes, the UPSSSC Junior
Assistant exam is conducted in English and Hindi language. However, the Hindi
language section is in Hindi only.